GROUP EXHIBITION ‘What A Time To Be Alive’ - Open call for artists as a part of Summer of MINO

We are excited to announce the open call for our Summer of MINO group exhibition, aimed at multidisciplinary artists. 

Summer of MINO is a yearly community event focused on bringing together a local and wider community inspired by creativity and culture for positive change. All summer from mid-July to September, we create a playfield to explore impactful ideas, build meaningful connections and collaborations that foster positive change. In co-creation with local partners, we bring a summer blend of exhibition, panels & talks, film screenings, events, and a rooftop bar with food and drinks.

This year Summer of MINO centers the theme “What a time to be alive” and explores how music culture and visual art intersect, pushing the boundaries of our creativity and shaping our existence and resistance in everyday life.

However, in times like these it's impossible to turn a blind eye to everything that is happening in the world. With this exhibition MINO aims to serve as a platform for artists who want to express themselves, raise their voice or create awareness around certain topics about the times we live in today. 

Exhibition details:

Theme: What a time to be alive

Duration: The exhibition will run from 19 July until 1 September 2023

Location: MINO Artspace, Joossensgang 10a

Application deadline: Wednesday 30 June, before 10 AM

🌟 Eligibility

  • This open call is open to visual and multidisciplinary artists between the age of 18-35 years, based in Belgium

  • We welcome proposals that explore the theme what a time to be alive ; see above 

  • We also accept artistic proposals that are a ‘work in progress’ or in an experimental stage.  

🌟 Conditions

  • MINO provides the infrastructure and support for this group exhibition. The exhibition takes place at the ground floor (250m2) of MINO Art Space. 

  • MINO provides professional technical and curatorial support before and during the build-up of the exhibition.

  • MINO provides the promotion and communication of the exhibition as part of the Summer of MINO program.

  • Artists are responsible for the production and installation of their own artworks

  • All costs involving production, installation, and/or other (material) expenses are on the account of the artist. MINO will contribute with a small fee to your costs.

  • You are available on 11th of July for a live selection at MINO Art Space in Antwerp. 

  • You also have to be available 17 and/or 18 July for the build up and 1/9 or 2/9 for the break down.

  • You are available during the exhibition period to host the expo for a minimum of 3 days. 

🌟 How to apply: 

To be considered for this group exhibition, please submit the following information:

  1. Portfolio: a selection of high-quality images of your artwork(s). Preferably include titles, dimensions and mediums. Artistic proposals that are a work in progress or in an experimental stage also possible.

  2. Artist statement: 1 A4 with your motivation, artistic practice and a brief idea on the ‘what a time to be alive’ 

  3. Artistic cv with contact info, including links to website/socials. 

  4. Send an email with all info in a single pdf to with the subject ‘Group exhibition open call.’ If your artwork exceeds the attachment size limit, you may include a link to your online portfolio or a cloud storage form.

Please note! that you have to be available on 11 July for a live selection round at MINO Art Space. You have to be available 17 and/or 18 July for the build up, 1 and/or 2 September to break down your expo.  

🌟 Selection Process:

Ama Koranteng-Kumi, Pamela Evbuomwan and Tatjana Henderieckx will carefully review all submissions. Selected artists will be notified on the 2th of July end of day, and invited for a live selection (4th of July).

We look forward to receiving your application! Feel free to share this open call with fellow artists who might be interested. Good luck